"Beautiful" and "aesthetic" are two perpetual situations that could meet in every society of Humans Life, in every aspect of humans thought, in every spot of the worlds map, in every period of Human History. But when the time comes and The Old gives way in the New, when the mystery of Future becomes Reality, when the power of life succeeded the dispair of weakness, then it takes a moment to change your life. But this moment could stay forever live.
Buildings hosting lives, spaces are filling peoples actions, nothing is empty but our aspects.
The lonely part of a building, an eMPTY wall made of soil, water and rock with a wardrobe of 1950's hanging in the air is now attached to a new creation, to a new society, to new lives, to Presence. The remnants of history shown in this building will now breathe life into a pure imagination, will regenerate an old society that lived between these walls. And that's a matter for our perspectives, a matter for our Beautiful MINDS.